Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Big News!

We've got some big news! 

In case you missed our announcement on Instagram, we are so excited to announce that we are expecting our first child! Baby Smith is expected to arrive late April/early May and we could not be any more excited! 

Many have asked, and we have decided to wait until the birth to find out the gender of our little one.

All you mamas out there, if there are any "swear by" baby products, send those rec's my way! We are beginning the research phase, and I must say, it is quite overwhelming! 

I am so excited to share my pregnancy journey with all of you new mama's to be out there, and get advice from all of you seasoned moms out there! :) 

New look to the blog is coming soon, promise! I'll keep you posted on timelines! 


1 comment

  1. Congrats again to y'all! (and way to go on the self control on waiting to find out!) If I had to recommend one thing it would be the Mamaroo swing! A bit of a splurge but Miss Andi adored that thing for her first few months. (maybe register for it?!) Also, a bunch of us did a huge Mama must have awhile back so check it out if you need some help! (http://www.jessisdesign.com/2016/03/baby-registry-101.html)
